If the exact time of birth is not known, it can be calculated by astrological methods (rectification). To do this, indicate approximately 10 dates (year, month (in words), day) of life events. Usually such events are: dates of birth of father, mother, birth of a brother (sister) moving to another city, dates of medical operations, abortion, periods of unusual health conditions, date of marriage, own or brother / sister, birth of children, nephews, key shift dates place of work, car accidents, divorces, date of death of a dear person, emigration, change of residence, registration of something important, your business, date of issue of a significant document, other significant dates from the biography. It should be indicated whether the birth was caesarean or natural. If it’s comfortable, give a link to your social profile. network or reset some photos. Payment for clarification of the time of birth (rectification) — plus 50% of the base cost. If you have the opportunity, please ask your parents for the exact time of birth. There were times when parents do not remember right away, and then they remember. Sometimes it turns out to find out the time of birth in the history journal in the hospital where the person was born.